Around The House

Chore Chart

I'm not the most organized person in the world especially when it comes to cleaning the house.  Typically I go in alternating spurts of having a clean house then a messy house.  I'm trying to be better and here's one way I'm improving:

This is my chore chart.  I already had the board, I just needed to organize my thoughts and realize that if I just do one chore every day (besides the chores I need to do every day like make beds, do dishes, etc.) then I don't have to do them all in one day as was usually the case. 

I then also added the monthly chores taking into account the difficulty of each.  I figured that the first Saturday of the month my husband and I could do the first two things on the list, second Saturday would be the next two and so on, so I put one easier one and one harder one for each Saturday so we wouldn't have two harder things in one day. 

I also realized that there are things that should be kept up on but didn't need to be done very often.  That's when I added quarterly and semiannually to my list.  I made sure to leave a place to write the date so I'd remember when I needed to do that chore again.

Once my thoughts were organized I made the lists in Paint on the computer and had them laminated so I could reuse them.

I also just added this handy pocket for the dry erase marker and a paper towel eraser.