
If your children are ready to start being introduced to the alphabet, this may be for you: 

My little girl is 2, not quite 2 1/2.  She's very smart.  She's known the alphabet song since she was 20 months old.  Language is definitely her forte.  Although I believe she is still too young to be expected to learn all the letters and their sounds, I really believe that she still needed exposure to more than just the ABC's song.  This is why I decided to start doing "Letter of the Week." 

"A" Week:

Last week was "A" week.  I put a picture of "Aa" on our fridge so she could see it through the week and I showed her how to sign an "A" in ASL.  Since last Monday was Labor Day, Daddy and I were planning on taking the little miss to the "A"quarium.  She threw a fit and wouldn't calm down so we missed our opportunity, but we can use that idea for another week: "F" week for the fish.

We also went to visit her "A"unt.  I believe this might be her new favorite aunt because they played on the slide for longer than any adult would choose for themselves. 
I also made sure I pointed out things we saw that started with the letter "A."  "A"pples, her "A"rms, "A"nts, etc. 
"B" Week
This week we are talking about the letter "B."